Thursday, May 17, 2007

What's in a name?

I, Andrew Lewis, do hereby recount to you some of the many interesting and bizarre stories of my life. I am a police detective that pulled someone out of a burning car. Or am I actually a police captain in the Bay City? Some still celebrate the legend of my ghost in Salem. I drove my Volkswagon in the Daytona season openner, and set the overall fastest lap record for the race. I like baseball, in fact I even play for the Health Workforce Solutions Red Sox in the AA division in Alameda, California. And, I sure do love cricket, maybe it's because I'm so good at it.. In my spare time, I like to surf, in fact, I'm representing Barbados at the world junior championships. I don't seem to run as well as I surf, as I only placed 7th in a local track-meet.
Politics has always been a hobby of mine, that's why I decided to be the federal deputy leader of the Green party of Canada. I suppose I should have predicted that I would rise so far, afterall, I was praised for my high grades in the 1st grade. You can tell I'm a bit of a renaissance man, interested in sports, law, racing, and of course, conducting the Apollo Chorus at the First United Church of Oak Park.
Oh, but I have a thousand other stories to tell you, perhaps next time I'll share the story of when I met George Washington, or travelled into the jungles of Burma to find a cure for athletes foot. Stick around, who knows what I'll do next?

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