Saturday, September 29, 2007

Valentines of Unfulfillment.

When you can't say it with words, say it with a Valentine. (source)


Everyone loves Olive Garden, everyone loves cheese! Why not make a game out of both of them?

A game to play at the Olive Garden, by Jay Barnes

Step 1: Go to the Olive Garden with a friend or friends, and order your meal as you normally do. At the Olive Garden, you get to choose whether or not you would like soup or salad. Cheese chicken requires that everyone order salad.

Step 2: When the waitstaff brings the salad over in a large bowl, they will ask you if you want freshly grated cheese on it. You will say that you do, at which point they will begin to grate cheese on the salad, and inform you to 'say when' when you would like them to stop grating the cheese.


The game:
Whoever says 'when' first, loses. The wait staff may panic or cry, but do not falter or you will be the loser.

The Consequences for losing:
The loser of Cheese Chicken shall be bludgeoned about the head with (1) Olive Garden bread stick.

If the waiter or waitress starts to freak out and says something to the effect of 'Are you sure you want this much cheese?', respond by yelling "HOSPITALIANO!" while pointing to the salad angrily. (source)

'Miracle' saved teenager's eye after chair assault

"THESE X-ray images show the leg of a chair embedded into the eye socket of a Melbourne teenager who miraculously survived a random attack outside a city nightclub earlier this year.

The images of teenager Shafique el-Fahkri at the Royal Melbourne Hospital were taken as a team of five surgeons prepared for the complex three-hour operation that would save his life and his eye.

After leaving intensive care, Mr Fahkri spent a month in hospital and today has 95 per cent of his sight back." (source)


"Stronger than a sewn in level II liner, the BACKPACKSHIELD tm is N.I.J. Level IIIA & stops hardened higher velocity 9 mm Full Metal Jacket (copper) and 44 Magnum (SWC) rounds flat in their tracks. The patented DupontTM Kevlar® multilayer ballistic composite BACKPACKSHIELD tm weighs less than a text book, measures 17" high by 12 " wide, is less than 1/2" thick, and fits inside 1000's of standard size (High School & Collegiate) backpacks. It's available in a variety of school colors, optional personalized photo (i.e. favorite athlete, pet, team, mascot etc.)"

Thousands of hyphens perish as English marches on

LONDON (Reuters) - About 16,000 words have succumbed to pressures of the Internet age and lost their hyphens in a new edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.

Bumble-bee is now bumblebee, ice-cream is ice cream and pot-belly is pot belly.

And if you've got a problem, don't be such a crybaby (formerly cry-baby). (source)

Animals in Star Wars Costumes

I'm not saying that this is wrong, but it sure ain't right.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

High Voltage Poweline Inspection

This video is from an IMAX movie, and it's nutso. Of course it's all fun and games until you run into one of these. (via)

Monday, September 24, 2007


So my question is, is it the drowning that kills you, or are you dead before you run out of air? I'm not sure I really want to know.

Man Drowns in Vat of Sulphuric Acid.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thai Life Insurance Commercials

Some real tear jerkers for you.

“Simpsons” Scenes and their Reference Movies

Ok so technically they're not all movies, nor are they actual scenes (more like shots). But I found this kind of neat. Be aware that this is far, far, far from comprehensive.

Friday, September 21, 2007

How to Draw a Head

Learn how to draw a head. That's it. No gimmick.

Bose Active Suspension

Possibly the greatest thing since the invention of the exploding Pinto.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So good, so tasty!

One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor!

Learn the Difference!

Daisy: Political Nuclear Fallout

"The homes of America are horrified and the intelligence of Americans is insulted by weird television advertising by which this administration threatens the end of the world unless all-wise Lyndon is given the nation for his very own." - Barry Goldwater.

The classic political ad, "Daisy", now with a website and much, much, much more detail than you could ever want. Watch the video here. (source)

Medical Adoptions

Can't have kids? Need a kidney? Why not kill two birds with one stone? Medical Adoptions has the answer to the problems that keep you up at night. Make sure you get the right one by browsing the profiles.

"Finding high-quality organs in a timely fashion can often be a problem. You can’t buy them for any price legally, and attempts to do so often end in the disasters only afforded by the underground, black market of illicit organs.
If you need a lifesaving organ transplant, you have to meet strict, often unfair criteria, and then wait for your turn to come up on the list, regardless of urgency. You might get the pound of flesh you need to continue your life, and you might not.
The Chance to Give Back as Much as You Get
We are a domestic and international adoption agency where parents are free to adopt a child who is a perfect match (up to 18 yrs) for the transplant of one or more “non-essential” organs to be donated to one of the adopting parents or your own children. Your new son or daughter would give you their heart, if it was possible, but a lung, eye or three feet of intestine might be enough to prove that love."

Monday, September 17, 2007

They're doing what to who?

The DailyCaption, taking Flickr photos out of context. The idea is simple, they give you a photo a day, you submit a caption for it. People vote. Ummm, and that's all. Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The 8 Most Common Sci-Fi Visions of the Future (And Why They'll Never Happen)

Cracked Magazine has a great article about the 8 Most Common Sci-Fi Visions of the Future (And Why They'll Never Happen)

30 Years of Voyager

Imagine being billions of miles from home, alone in a silent black void. With a voice too weak to be heard, and your mind and body slowly growing numb. Imagine not having the ability to stop, to turn, to look anywhere but ahead, knowing that no one had ever been where you are, and that you will never see your home again. That is the story of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. They have incredible stories, and they're 30 years old this month, and they're still giving weekly status reports, even though they'll run out of power soon, and we're losing the ability to hear them.

"Voyager 1 was launched Sept. 5, 1977 atop a Titan rocket with a Centaur-6 upper stage. Still operational for 30 years, Voyager 1 is more than 103.2 astronomical units away from the Sun. Astronomers believe it has now entered the solar system's heliosheath -- the termination shock region between the sun's solar wind and interstellar space. Signals from Voyager 1 take 13 hours to reach Earth, traveling at the speed of light." Wired has a few of the photos that Voyager has taken on its mission.

The Voyager Golden Record is a phonograph record included in the two Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977. It contains sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. It is intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form, or far future humans, that may find it. (Listen to it here)

40 Unusual Websites You Should Know About

Here's's list of essential websites that you may never have heard of. Ever. You might like or or not...

The World Without Us

Have you ever wondered "...without us on the earth, what traces of us would linger? What would disappear?". All this an much much more: The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. Or maybe you've wondered what it's like to live on your own private island isolated from human contact for eight years? Really? Me neither.

MRI Machine + Oxygen Tank = Stupid

Monday, September 10, 2007

Perfect Pets

"Perfect Petzzz are cute sleeping puppies and kittens that offer unconditional love and are maintenance-free. They look so lifelike - you can even see them breathe!"

Sad? Cute? I don't know which. They've got all kinds, batteries not included.

For all my single friends